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Animal Photojournalism Resources

New to animal photojournalism and want to learn more? These talks and articles featuring Jo-Anne McArthur and other animal photojournalists are helpful resources on the background, purpose and methods of this new field.

If you are interested in a more in-depth exploration of animal photojournalism and the first steps to working in this field, consider enrolling in the We Animals Photography Masterclass. This online and self-paced video series led by Jo-Anne will teach you the basic foundations of animal photojournalism.

Articles about animal photojournalism:

Talks About Animal Photojournalism:

Animal Photojournalism with Jo-Anne McArthur” hosted by Claudia Towne Hirtenfelder of The Animal Turn podcast

Animals in Disasters” panel discussion at the Animals in Wars & Disasters Symposium with Jo-Anne McArthur

Animals in Wars” panel discussion at the Animals in Wars & Disasters Symposium with Tommy Machowicz and Milos Bicanski

Captive: A Conversation with Animal Photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur” hosted by Dr. Lori Marino, Founder of the Whale Sanctuary Project

What is Animal Photojournalism?” at VII Insider

The Power of Photojournalism in Animal Advocacy” at The Law, Ethics & Animals Program at Yale Law School

HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene Book Launch” hosted by award-winning broadcaster, author, and We Animals board member Ziya Tong, with special performance by Jann Arden, this event explains the importance of our latest book, HIDDEN

The Role of Animal Photojournalism in Animal Advocacy” co-hosted by the Center for Animal Law Studies and the Lewis & Clark Law School Animal Legal Defense Fund

Curator Conversations: Activist Photojournalism in the 21st Century” at the Royal Ontario Museum

Image Critiques With We Animals:

How to Tell Better Animal Stories – Session #3” – Animal Photo Critiques with Photo Editors Kathy Moran and Jo-Anne McArthur

How to Tell Better Animal Stories – Session #2” – Photo Story Critiques with Photo Editors Kathy Moran and Jo-Anne McArthur

Image Critiques – Session #1” – Single Image Critiques with Photo Editors Jo-Anne McArthur and Keith Wilson

For further reading about animal photojournalism, read our explainer page, What Is Animal Photojournalism?