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Assignment: Inside Indonesia’s Shark Fin and Meat Trade

Assignment: Inside Indonesia’s Shark Fin and Meat Trade

Indonesia’s unique marine habitat is home to 20 percent of the world’s shark and ray species—many of which are endangered. In November, our photojournalist Resha Juhari documented the slaughter and sale of these majestic creatures at Indonesia’s traditional markets.
Fish Farming in Indonesia

Fish Farming in Indonesia

An investigation conducted by Act for Farmed Animals and We Animals has revealed for the first time how tilapia, catfish and milkfish are farmed, killed and sold in Indonesia.
Investigation: Thai Fish Farms and Markets

Investigation: Thai Fish Farms and Markets

A new investigation by Sinergia Animal and We Animals has revealed intense suffering in the Thai fish industry, with footage exposing the reality of how fish are farmed, killed and sold in Thailand.

Investigation: Animal Markets in Northern India

A We Animals investigation has uncovered shocking conditions at a live animal market in India. The photos and video captured expose the harsh reality for animals trapped within the food industry.

Investigation: Mediterranean Fishing – Greece

We Animals contributor Selene Magnolia and the Italian non-profit Essere Animali have teamed up to document the suffering of fish raised for food consumption in the Mediterranean fishing industry.

Mediterranean Aquaculture & Fishing

This series of photographs was taken by animal photojournalist Selene Magnolia to document the shocking reality for the fish who are trapped in present-day aquaculture conditions in and around the Mediterranean Sea.

An Inside Look at Asian Wet Markets

In recent months following the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the world has been introduced to “wet markets”. They are places common across Asia for all things perishable, such as fruits, vegetables, and – most notably – animals, dead or alive.

Prolonging Death: The Practice of Fish Tethering in Asia

In spite of what we now know about animal sentience, our priorities continue to lie in finding ways to maximize profit at their expense.