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Beekeeping and Honey Production in Türkiye

Beekeeping and Honey Production in Türkiye

Havva Zorlu’s documentation of bees used for honey production in Turkiye offers a rare glimpse into the lives of these remarkable insects. Through her compelling visuals, Havva asks us to consider bees in a new light–not just from the lens of the precious food source they produce.
Documenting Grasshopper Catching and Cricket Farming in Indonesia

Documenting Grasshopper Catching and Cricket Farming in Indonesia

We Animals photojournalist Resha Juhari recently explored and documented the practices of grasshopper catching and cricket farming in Indonesia.
Arizona’s Mega-dairies and Water Crisis

Arizona’s Mega-dairies and Water Crisis

In the late summer of 2023, We Animals photojournalist Ram Daya visited several industrial farms in Arizona to document the scale of the state’s expanding animal agriculture industry.
Inside the Foie Gras Industry

Inside the Foie Gras Industry

Foie gras production remains contentious around the globe and its methods have long raised ethical concerns. We Animals photojournalist Pierre Parcoeur recently visited foie gras farms in southwestern France to document the experience of birds living inside these spaces.
The Lives of Chickens Inside Thailand’s Factory Farms

The Lives of Chickens Inside Thailand’s Factory Farms

Together with World Animal Protection Thailand, We Animals photojournalists investigated the brutal lives of broiler chickens on industrial farms supplying popular fast-food chains in Thailand.
Death by Heat Exhaustion: Inside India’s Poultry Farms

Death by Heat Exhaustion: Inside India’s Poultry Farms

Shatabdi Chakrabarti documented conditions inside India’s poultry farms during the summer heatwaves, which have been increasing in frequency over the past few years. During these periods, death due to heat exhaustion is a regular occurrence for birds inside farms.
The Rise of Industrial Animal Farming in Africa

The Rise of Industrial Animal Farming in Africa

In late 2022 we visited sub-Saharan Africa in collaboration with the African NGO Sibanye Trust to investigate the growth of industrial animal farming in the region.
The Fate of Canadian Dairy Cows Revealed on World Milk Day

The Fate of Canadian Dairy Cows Revealed on World Milk Day

While working with World Animal Protection for their latest report on Canadian dairy cows - a population of almost one million - our team documented how these cows are treated at farms and during transportation.
From Source to Sale: Shrimp Farming and Fishing in India

From Source to Sale: Shrimp Farming and Fishing in India

We Animals photojournalist S. Chakrabarti recently documented India’s fishing and aquaculture industry – with a specific focus on shrimp production, one of the country’s main seafood exports.
Assignment: Inside Canada’s Cattle Feedlots

Assignment: Inside Canada’s Cattle Feedlots

Quebec has the most cattle feedlots of any Canadian province. Last month, We Animals Founder Jo-Anne McArthur toured rural Quebec with a local investigator to document the lives of these animals.
Assignment: Bird Flu (H5N1) Spreads Across the US, Canada and Europe

Assignment: Bird Flu (H5N1) Spreads Across the US, Canada and Europe

As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the highly pathogenic bird flu (H5N1) is affecting millions of wild and domesticated bird populations in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Fish Farming in Indonesia

Fish Farming in Indonesia

An investigation conducted by Act for Farmed Animals and We Animals has revealed for the first time how tilapia, catfish and milkfish are farmed, killed and sold in Indonesia.