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Thanksgiving, Turkeys & Tofurky

Thanksgiving, Turkeys & Tofurky

46,000,000. This is the number of turkeys that Americans will slaughter to eat and give thanks this US Thanksgiving. Use these visuals to inspire compassionate choices this holiday season.
Assignment: Inside Vermont’s Dairy Industry

Assignment: Inside Vermont’s Dairy Industry

On assignment for The Guardian, Jo-Anne McArthur joined Jason Bolalek, Founder of Destination Liberation in Vermont, USA, to document a calf rescue and the reason why so many calves are being shot.

5,000 Foxes: The Transaction of a Mercy Release Rescue

We joined volunteers from a Buddhist animal sanctuary to document the ‘mercy release’ rescue of over 5,000 foxes and raccoon dogs from a farm in China.

Animal Rescuers Provide Hope During Australian Wildfires

A billion animals is not a billion animals. A billion animals is one individual, and then another, and then another, and again another. In fire-ravaged Australia these last several months, they are the kangaroo succumbing to billowing flames and smoke.