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Sayara Thurston


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Inside Dakshinkali Temple

Twice a week the Hindu temple Dakshinkali, located outside of Kathmandu in Nepal, is opened to people wishing to make offerings to the goddess Kali, which often takes the form of animal sacrifice.
Interview with photojournalist Aaron Gekoski

Interview with photojournalist Aaron Gekoski

Aaron 'Bertie" Gekoski is an environmental photojournalist, television presenter, and film-maker. He recently wan the 2017 Wildlife Photographer of the Year photojournalist category. We spoke to him about his work, what motivates him, and his plans for the future.
Inside Dakshinkali Temple POST

Inside Dakshinkali Temple POST

Twice a week the Hindu temple Dakshinkali, located outside of Kathmandu in Nepal, is opened to people wishing to make offerings to the goddess Kali, which often takes the form of animal sacrifice.